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Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Counterattack Recipe

Nahum 2:1
An attacker advances against you, Nineveh .
Guard the fortress,
watch the road,
brace yourselves,
marshal all your strength!

Who's the attacker?

Ephesian 6:12
We are not fighting against people of flesh and blood. But we are fighting against rulers and powers whom we cannot see. We are fighting against those who control the darkness of this world,and against bad spirits who have power in the air.

The Counterattack Recipe:

Guard the fortress
The fortress is your own body and mind entirely. Some ways to guard yourself is by:
- quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry , be wise with your tongue

- keep safe the entrance of your fortress, i.e. your eyes. Eye is a vulnerable access, be cautious of what you see because bad things that you see can make bad influence to yourself, use your eyes responsibly for they might make yourself get tempted by what the perceive

- perform good deeds so that His name is glorified and so people can see that we are letters from Christ

Watch the road
Learn the situation and create strategy based on that situation, be clever and kind at the same time
Brace yourselves
Make yourself steady and keep optimistic, remember our God is God who always be with us - ImmanuelMarshal all your strength
Be united with all Christian regardless denominations, be one body be Oecumenical.
When we walk in His way, we are already the winners.


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